Friday, November 22, 2013

"Wondering to myself if you knew It was all for you . . ."

lyrics from It Takes Time (Fleetwood Mac)

Wow – what an exhausting week it has been, and it finally turned cold today (for me anyway)! It has been raining of and on all day. You always loved this kind of weather, as it cleaned the air and gave our desert its much needed drink of water. I believe that Fall has finally arrived. 

I am looking forward to being home this weekend and spending time with our son and Lil Guy. Lil Guy misses you so – and I am doing my best to keep him entertained and distracted. As much as I am dreading the holidays, I know how much the furboyz love their tree. If next week goes well, perhaps I will get one next weekend for them to wreak havoc and climb on. You always loved the entertainment boyz provide, and I always think of you when they are up to their shenanigans. Lil Guy has changed quite a bit since you left us and can be quite the bully when he wants (who knew?!??!).

Our son definitely has your sensitive side, which I love so much about you, and today was a hard day for him. He spent the day alone, thinking about you. He is struggling with the upcoming holidays, as I am. I continue to make attempts at being the cheerleader and keeping things going at home, but it is so difficult most days. I miss coming home to you and I miss you doing the “domestics” (and messing up the laundry – LoL). I don’t ever want you to be a just a memory, yet I know it is inevitable. So here I am, holding on to you mentally, as tight as I can, never wanting to let go. Love you forever, Babe!

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